So anyway, minutes later, I finally get called back into the tanning room. I go inside, and close the door, not really sure what to do next. I kind of look at the bed, look at the hooks on the side of the wall, look at the bed, look at the hooks, and finally realize that I have to something, there's no backing out and looking like a chicken on front of all my friends now. Instead of removing any clothing, I call Lori, my roommate, who is sitting outside waiting for her turn to tan. "Lori! What do I do in here!?" I asked. "Do you have all your clothes off?!" she said. I looked down at my body. "Well no!?" I whispered. My hands were getting clammy now. Sweat seemed to be dripping off my forehead. "Well take them off!" She yelled. "Even my underwear?" I asked, "Yes, even your underwear!" When I had finally taken off my clothes, Lori told me to get into the bed and close the lid over my body. Still on the phone, I asked her what to do next. She said to turn on the bed and I asked her if I was going to burn and how did the bed know when to turn itself off. Lori told me the obvious, and I finally got off the phone, extremely embarrassed and still trembling with fear. I counted down from 5 in my head and turned on the bed. The noise and brightness of lights startled me so bad that I shook the bed and let out a whimper of terror. So I began to bake in the human fake baker. Eight minutes, seven, six, five . . . four. The scene from Final Destination played over and over again in my head, but I tried to shew away the thoughts. Soon my fears subsided. And then I started to enjoy the heat, remembering the hot Florida sun and hearing the waves crash against the beach. Maybe tanning wasn't so bad afterall.
Then, right as I started to enjoy myself. . .BAMMM! The bed shut off! And I was awakened from my dreams on the beach! I pushed open the lid of the bed and climbed out. Felt like I was emerging from an egg or something. Like is this what little chickens feel like when they're being born? Hm. Maybe. Standing in front of the mirror, I looked up an down at myself. My freckles seemed to have risen to the surface of my skin. That's it. I wasn't tan, just freckly. Just freckly.
I wobbled back outside to the waiting room, never more happier to see the actual sunlight in my life. "How was it?" The girls asked, excited. "Hated it", I said.
The funny thing is, I went two more times this week. And I guess it's kind of addictive in a strange way. Whodathunkit. My ginger self in a tanning bed. I did it, I conquered my fears.
That's right my friends, I have temporarily come over to the dark side: literally.
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