Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Would it be Jesus?

Who are you at your core?

Who are you when no one's looking?

Who are you when you're all alone and you have no one. Who are you when it's just you. Just you and an open road ahead. Just you and a big dream on the brink of a horizon.

People always tell me that you are what you have.

As Americans, we live in the richest, most free country in the world. We have no idea what "poor" means. Even the poorest man in this country has some opportunities, especially now in this day and age. We have the luxury of clean and running water, indoor plumbing and even things like wifi- which we take for granted every single day.

If you're on the "richer" side of life, you have both of your arms. Both of your legs. All your toes, and all your fingers. You can see out of both your eyes, or you have working glasses or contacts that help you to see the birth of your first child, the beauty of a woman, movies, or even simple things like a sunset, crafted by the Ultimate Creator of all things beautiful.

Maybe you even have a car. Or a job. A college degree. A home. A dream to be "successful".

Maybe you are married. Maybe you're not. Maybe you're divorced. Maybe you've been brokenhearted. Maybe you're lonely.

What do you have? Who are you?

Lately I've been thinking about what is most important to me. What makes me happy. All that God has given me. Who am I. And what would I be if all of that was taken away.

What am I when no one else is around to encourage me, or take care of me. When it feels like there aren't any shoulders to lean on, and no one to laugh with. When it's just me and a puppy at my feet in the dark. We've all been there. We've all been lonely. Confused. Felt sorry for ourselves. Or compassionate for someone else. Cared too much, or not enough. Loved and lost, or decided not to love at all.

So what is it. What do you take pride in? What do you hold closest to your heart? What is important to you? What is it that drives you everyday and makes you wake up every morning?

And if those things were stripped away from you, what would be left? What would you have to lean on?

Would it be Jesus?